Digital Freelancing for Higher Education students and Recent Graduates

PR1: Toolbox – How to Freelance Online
  • A Market Survey on Freelance Job Market
  • Video Interview to Professional Freelancers
  • An E-book, ‘How to freelance online’’, translated in the national languages of the partners, with practical information about the skills and competences necessary to pursue a career as a digital freelancer, self-employment legal status, and fiscal aspects applying to the Consortium countries. This manual has been complemented with interactive learning activities, simulation games and exercises (fill-in the gap, drag and drop, and multiple choice) useful to both students and teachers and uploaded on the DIFREE open-source Moodle Course;
  • Teaching Material
PR2: Digital Multilingual Repository
  • An OER in the form of a Content Repository of multilingual and multimodal portfolio/CV/Resume samples enriched with an OE Moodle crash Course From Job Hunting to Cold Pitching providing interactive readings and language exercises, glossaries, vocabulary lists and useful phraseology to help job and client seekers learn about required competences, develop the micro language and improve the writing skills necessary to succeed in finding jobs and clients in the global market;
PR3: Mentorship Program
  • An “incubator program” to support aspiring freelancers with a short mentoring course, targeting both students (interested in becoming freelancers) and teachers (interested in mentoring students), and a workshop to help freelancers-to-be meet senior freelancers to receive guidance and advice;
PR4: Self-evaluation & Self-vocational Assessment Tool
  • A self-evaluation and self-vocational professional assessment tool consisting in a platform where users can test their digital and entrepreneurial competences and keep track of their development over time;
PR5: Virtual Freelance Hubs
  • Freelancer Hubs – virtual and physical places where the target groups can find a meeting place to share and produce knowledge and create a community of practice;
PR6: Transferability Manual
  • A Final “Transferability Manual” describing the project outcomes with the intermediate steps taken to accomplish PRs (products results), that is, all the activities conducted since the beginning of the project: an initial Freelance Market Survey, video-interviews with professional freelancers’, focus group discussions with students, self-employed professionals and solopreneurs on the importance of the proficiency levels and core areas of DigComp and EntreComp, and the collection of success stories and useful advice for aspiring freelancers, obtained from mentors and participants in the hubs.